SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee 2

This financial instrument consists of guarantees for Slovak banks by which the SIH shoulders 90% of the banks’ credit risk ensuing from new loans through its investment funds, namely NDF II and NDF I. The financial instrument is funded from European structural and investment funds (ESIF) and from state budget funds allocated to co-financing ESIF, as well as from state financial assets.

The maturity of new bridge loans (which include a deferment period on principal and interest during the initial 12 months) ranges from two to six years and their maximum amount may not exceed €2 million. The maximum interest rates, provided eligible subjects preserve their current level of employment, are 3.9% p.a. for micro-enterprises and 1.9% p.a. for all other enterprises.

Eligible subjects may address their loan applications to any of the subjects (banks) participating in the SIH Anticorona Guarantee 2 programme whose list can be found below. The entire loaning process is administered by the banks and the decisions on provided loans are completely in their competence.


Banks involved in the guarantee scheme

Poštová banka
J & T banka
Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka


Documents to download


SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee 1

The financial instrument consists of a portfolio guarantee for financial institutions and an interest subsidy of up to 4% for those enterprises that manage to preserve existing jobs. By means of said financial instrument, the SIH will shoulder a part of the banks’ credit risk ensuing from new loans extended to the SMEs negatively affected by the current situation. Thanks to the SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee, it is expected that the loans may be provided as interest-free.

The SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee is expected to facilitate the provision of new bridging loans with maturity of no more than four years (including a 12-month grace period on both the principal and interest) and up to almost €1.2 million per loan. The beneficiary businesses will be able to use the funds loaned to cover both their investment and operating costs.

 The eligible SMEs can apply for loans via their respective commercial banks that take part in administering the entire process.


Banks involved in the guarantee scheme


Documents to download